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Lite-Soil are the modern and cost efficient solution for the direct irrigation and aeration of your plants. as a result of a comprehensive scientific research carried out by The University of Natural Resources (BOKU) has shown that: 

  • Lite-Strips: A water accumelating strips that can be easily mixed into the substrate (with an application of approx. 10%). it have a 8 times higher water storage capacity / kg than conventional expanded clay aggregates. Simply it saves enough water in proximity to the roots.

  • Lite-Net: An excelent water and Air distributing nets saves up to 6 times more water than conventional coir mats. The nets are delivered in roles and can be easily installed by placing tham on the ground, stretching them in order to icrease thier original size 4 to 5 times before covering them with soil.

  • BlueLite-NETS: completley new and techanically improved solution for water saving subsurface irrigation for multiple application ( Slopes, public parks, atheltic fields and modern urban cities ). it consist of a drip irrigation tube (A) which conducts the water via a nonewoven covering Bluelite-cover (B) into a Lite-Net (C), where it is extensively and evenly distributed at root level.